Safety Training for the Fire Alarm, Burglar Alarm and Locksmith Trades

2 credit hours


This 2 hour course on Safety covers safety issues of significance to the alarm, electronic security and locksmith industries.  Ideas are discussed on reducing workplace injuries in the office, while driving and at the job site.  The importance of a safety and health program is emphasized.
On Demand

$75.00 - $75.00 compare to $100.00

Applicable In

Who Should Take It

This course meets the 2 hour CE requirement for all fire alarm, burglar alarm and locksmith licensees.  It is also well suited and recommended for all employees in the office and in the field to raise awareness of safety and health issues affecting workers today.

What Is Covered

Why Safety Training, Accident Statistics, The importance of Safety and Health Programs and more

Included Courses

Safety for the fire alarm, burglar alarm and locksmith trades

This 2 hour course on Safety covers safety issues of significance to the alarm, electronic security and locksmith industries.  Ideas are discussed on reducing workplace injuries in the office, while driving and at the job site.  The importance of a safety and health program is emphasized.


  1. Safety For The Fire Alarm, Burglar Alarm And Locksmith Trades

Safety Training for the Fire Alarm, Burglar Alarm and Locksmith Trades

2 credit hours


This 2 hour course on Safety covers safety issues of significance to the alarm, electronic security and locksmith industries.  Ideas are discussed on reducing workplace injuries in the office, while driving and at the job site.  The importance of a safety and health program is emphasized.
On Demand

$75.00 - $75.00 compare to $100.00

Applicable In

Who Should Take It

This course meets the 2 hour CE requirement for all fire alarm, burglar alarm and locksmith licensees.  It is also well suited and recommended for all employees in the office and in the field to raise awareness of safety and health issues affecting workers today.

What Is Covered

Why Safety Training, Accident Statistics, The importance of Safety and Health Programs and more

Included Courses

Safety for the fire alarm, burglar alarm and locksmith trades

This 2 hour course on Safety covers safety issues of significance to the alarm, electronic security and locksmith industries.  Ideas are discussed on reducing workplace injuries in the office, while driving and at the job site.  The importance of a safety and health program is emphasized.


5.0 out of 5.0 1 Review

Steve S

Very informative. Excellent presentation.

Related Classes


This is a required course package for all licensees, applicants and employees.  
2 hrs NJ UCC
2 hrs NJ Barrier Free Sub-code and ANSI A117.1  
2 hrs Americans with Disabilities Act  
2 hrs NJ Laws and Rules of the trade,
2 hrs Industrial safety

Includes NJ Laws and Rules of the Trade, ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act), NJ Barrier Free Subcode, NJ Uniform Construction Code, Industrial Safety

Applicable In


This 24 hr package includes the 10 hours of required subjects (NJ Uniform Construction Code, NJ barrier Free Subcode, ADA, Laws and Rules of the Trade and Industrial Safety).  In addition, it includes code update classes for fire alarm and National Electrical Code as well as others.

Includes NFPA 72 2022 6 hr course, Americans with Disabilities Act 2022, Industrial Safety 2022, NJ UCC 2023 Course, 4 hr residential smoke detection class 24-25, NJ Laws and Rules of the Trade 2024-25, NJ Barrier Free Subcode 2025, NEC 2023 Edition 5.75 hr

Applicable In


 This course satisfies the requirements for Licensee to complete 2 hours in the laws and regulations governing the trade.  

2 CEU hours On Demand

Applicable In